When shopping for a home, it is also very important to shop for the right lender. When looking for a lender you want to check rates, fees, and make sure you find the right lender that will work for you! Below are a few of my recommended lenders, give them a call to find out how they can help you!
Rachel Ross Denson
FT Home Loans
NMLS # 1930057
Direct Line: 270-293-2345
Email: RDenson@MyFTHL.com
310 North 12th Street
Murray, KY 42071
Ben Helmerich
Gershman Mortgage
NMLS # 1991049
Direct Line: 270-293-1064
Office Number: 270-222-3935
378 A W 5th Street
Benton, KY 42025
Chelsey Houston
The Murray Bank
NMLS# 2245008
Direct Line: 270-767-4252
405 South 12th Street
Murray, KY 42071